Zealsound k66 microphone


i have issues with having my audios being rejected from an online platform for problems of white noise that i cant hear nor correct “please remove the white noise before adding the music. The static can currently be heard overpowering the music.” since i bought the professionnal mic zealsound k66 eventhough i put it at the top my sound is low -30db and i have to enhance it digitally to reach a minimum of -24db
i edit with adobe audition and rx elements

i dont know if i position myself badly with the mic, i use headsets and when i come to the mic and i force my voice loudness i can reach -24db

if i have a good mic at -24db without forcing, i wont need to do volume leveler or match loudness in adobe audition and maybe i wont have the whitenoise behind the words
my question is do u think that i need to change my mic?

RAW https://youtu.be/Yr792kI-WgA



It sounds like the main issue is low input volume which is causing you to boost the audio and introduce white noise. Try to boost that up and ensure your room is quiet.