Category Topics

Presets - Q&A

This category is for those who are using our Adobe Audition and Premiere Pro presets (both purchased and free to download). This category is to help troubleshoot any issues you are having when using presets, you can also post feature requests and questions related to functionality. Please do not post links to download presets. Note that your posts here need to be admin approved to appear. We review the posts daily.

Free Stuff

A place to share free audio production elements and tools. Add audio stems, sound effects, jingles, music beds, loops, audio plugins, presets and more.

Audio Software

A place to discuss all audio software with a focus on recording and editing in a DAW (digital audio workstation). Other audio software may include radio broadcasting software, DJ software, podcasting software, audio players and more.

Audio Production

General discussion related to audio production takes place here. Share your tips, techniques, inspirations and resources in here.

Audio Creatives

A place for audio content creators to discuss their best practices, tips, ideas and techniques.

Share Your Projects

What are you working on right now? Share anything you've created related to audio. Session files, voice overs, jingles, audio demos, effects and more. Ask for feedback from the community.

Audio Equipment

A place to discuss any audio hardware the processes, reproduces or records sound. Discussions about microphones, mixing consoles, audio effects units, studio monitors and more are welcome here.

Home Studio

Share your home recording studio setup here and ask for helpful advice from others with home studios.

Free Jingle Friday

A place to discuss the Music Radio Creative Live streams and also share tips on how to create a live video, audio or radio show of your own on the internet.


A place for musicians and music makers of all kinds to hang out and chat. Talk about the music you create, how to make better music and the gear you use to compose.

Feature Requests

Feature requests for Music Radio Creative Forum Only. Suggest a feature here, get community members to vote on it and watch it happen! Please do not post general questions to community in this thread.