Unable to view the today's streaming

Hi Mike,

Today was impossible for me to view the streaming.
I am still able to watch the previous tutorial on YouTube, except the today’s tutorial.

Have you changed something of your settings for the streaming? My browser (Firefox) does not recognize any of the video formats available.

Till yesterday all was working.

Tomorrow I will try to connect to Internet the other computer (newer).


@Renato See if you can watch the replay. This morning I clicked on my notification, it opened up, I opened chat but had to click back and re-enter the stream. I’ve noticed that for some reason when I enter chat early something doesn’t work correctly.

Thank you Joe,

It is working on the community forum and I have checked just now and it is working on the YouTube platform too (in the afternoon it did not).



I hope this works out for you today @Renato. Try refreshing today when the stream is live. I’ll keep an eye on this from my end too. Thanks for the heads up!