@Mike I certainly enjoyed the opportunity to “phone a friend” during your Creating Gameshow Style Voice Overs broadcast, today. I realized when hearing the playback that calling you on a landline would make for much better audio quality. So, now that I know that the cell phone is “the weakest link Goodbye” the next time I “Come On Down” for a call it won’t be on my mobile.
Long live the MRC daily live stream!
And @Mike, Blake Shelton’s Big Head is always keeping an eye on us in the studio.
Thanks @DavidHunterScot I appreciate it, sir. Definitely realized when I heard the playback that I should call from a landline for a clearer signal in the future. However, I won’t stalk @Mike too often. The radio geek in me just loves that MRC Live added a live call in number. Our Morning Guy, Opie Joe here at WCYQ in Knoxville, TN USA was wondering this morning if he will debut video calls soon? Hmm…
I wouldn’t recommend it cos it could cause lag while streaming, assuming you’re talking about a VOIP service like Skype or Google Hangouts, if you’re talking about an actual video call, that would possibly save on internet lag a bit, and would probably be poor quality, but would prove to be quite expensive. It’s expensive enough UK to UK, (and I assume US to US) but would be even more costly cross country.
It’s something he can think about, and we love the suggestion, but I don’t see it being good for a live stream.
When I called Mike on September 6th 2017, I was using a wired telephone and I noticed (I was watching the live streaming) that my call was delayed about 30 seconds on YouTube, so it’s not a" live streaming" but a “delayed streaming” instead.
After that I understood Mike’s recommendation to reduce the computer sound level.
Good on you for calling, @Renato. A funny thing: we always chuckle at the callers who are a little nervous when they call our radio station…yet, when I called into MRC Live I found myself with a touch of the gitters.
I must say you sounded different in the call which is also why I didn’t recognise you. Been listening to your demos and videos all weekend as part of a hush hush, so have your voice with all the compression and stuff added in my head.