Hi, I’m new to Adobe Audition and was wondering how I’d go about editing out a heavy noise from an air duct. I’ve tried several ways but the effects I’m using are making my voice sound like artificial or tinny, if that makes sense.
Ive tried the noise capture/process, parametric equalizer, and a few other things. Just can’t get it to sound great.
The best advice is to eradicate noise before recording. Obviously it’s already in the audio here so be aware that in order to remove that air duct noise you will also have an effect on the voice.
All the de-noise and noise print / reduction will analyse the audio and remove the noise totally which will affect frequencies within your voice as well changing the overall quality of the voice.
One thing you could try is to do multiple passes of noise reduction rather than one heavy pass but I fear you’ll find your audio will also be affected by the removal.
Anything thing is to use the healing brush in the spectral frequency view to “paint out” the offending frequencies.
Is it something you could record again or is it essential to repair this audio?
Hi @Mike I’ve noticed you’ve recommended de-noise and de-reverb quite a bit but do you not find both are quite degrading to the overall sound quality if cranked up enough to actually have an effect removing unwanted noise or reverb?
When I’ve had a play with them I find cranking them up to a level of operation that does what’s the effects are supposed to do leaves a phase sound on the audio.
Mike, Mark - Thank you both very much. I’m going to try both options you highlighted. Hopefully that can restore some of the fullness of the voices (right now sound kinda hollow). Will re-record as a last resort.
Really appreciate it, and love your YouTube videos, Mike, I’m learning from scratch from them! - Jon
okay at the risk of dog piling @markdenholm is right !!!
Recording environment is & must be 1st priority … treated space or better yet soundproof
( which I know is cost prohibitive for most )
Something as simple as an area rug over the vent - creating a portable studio with heavy quilted blankets on 3 sides like a clothes line ) very very few will ever afford a whisper boothe for voice work … so do the next best thing treat your recording space for excessive noise and reverb/echo or even consider a dynamic microphone vs a condensor.
After you’ve done all that @JonB then consider @Mike & @markdenholm’s suggestions for noise reduction techniques.
I absolutely hate using this anology … “If you put lipstick on a pig … it’s still a pig”