I apologize if there is a better category to post this but…can you please help me clean this audio up? There is talking in the background I would love to have disappear…
I apologize if there is a better category to post this but…can you please help me clean this audio up? There is talking in the background I would love to have disappear…
How to download this thing from MRC??
Hi @Saba
Download and use Google Chrome, then you will have a nice download button right next to the volume to download, or I can provide you with a direct link to it if you want.
Hope I’ve helped.
@DavidHunterScot Thx David
Thanks @Saba I would be happy to email.
Got it…messy
We were waiting to get on the Wild Eagle (America’s first wing roller coaster at Dollywood) and the ride operator never stopped talking. #HighlyRecommend
@PaulOrr.com Do you have more of this recording, I can’t isolate this background speaker good enough.
@PaulOrr.com Here, take a listen, I can’t isolate him as good as I should have to to that removing background noise does not hurt original voice. There is a lot of arifatcs and not so much removal
Gave this a shot with Izotope RX 6, it removed some of the background noise, but the louder bits do not seem eager to leave the recording unless you are willing to sacrifice audio quality.
That was all I had but thank you man that’s much better!
You guys have hooked me up thank you so much this is awesome!