Best Practices for a Mid-High Range

So I have very much a mid-high vocal range and I am not quite sure where to bring my voice settings for when I’m doing podcasting, imaging, or other voice over work.

Should I bring more bass into my voice to give it more of a rounded off sound, or should I just use a mixture of compression and other effects to enhance my voice?

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Thanks for asking this question Corey. This is something we all find challenging - getting the perfect EQ.

Perhaps you could post a voice sample here for us to listen to?

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Sure!! Here’s a link to an old voice track I did with a music bed underneath. In fact this was a show I used MRC imaging on now that I think about it!!


Sounds great! Excellent presence and great timing? How long have you been in radio? Sounds like you have many years of experience. I don’t know if I would change a thing.:grinning:

You can tell you are comfortable on the radio for sure. I do personally think that you should add some bass to your voice though. I’m not sure who old you are but you sound mid 20’s to me. Not that there is anything wrong with that but a deeper voice would sound easier on the ears. Just my opinion…

So I downloaded your audio and applied the “Radio Announcer voice” to it and I thought it sounded better. You try it and tell me what you think.

@DJ_Nightstalker I’ve been doing online radio for a total of 6 years on and off with two years and counting of terrestrial radio under my belt (however those two years were not on the air).

@Joe_Salmi I am in my 20’s… 22 to be exact :wink: But I agree nonetheless. Bass to my voice in particular would make it sound more rounded off and give it more of a rich tone to it, which is where I get kind of get in the grey area with what to do with it. I was just never sure if compression was good enough, or if there was some EQ that I might’ve needed to do.

Good question. Whoever the vocal artist is, they will give a better performance if the are warmed up and relaxed.
Better to spend time and get a good take down first than to spend hours trying to fix it in the mix.
The easiest part of the process is pressing “RECORD”. Experience is a great teacher.

Hope that helps.

@CoreyManuel Can you send dry voice sample. I would like to hear it dry and do my own processing on it. For me in sample that you send, I’m missing bit of “air” in your voice, and there is some muddiness down around 180Hz I believe, I didn’t open it in DAW so I’m guessing.