My show is an 80s retro show, and my voice is compressed heavily. I’m using Audition 3 with these settings. Thresh -20.0 Gain: 17.0 Ratio 10:1 Attack 1.0 ms Release 5.0 ms and generally I’m pleased. The waveform before I compress generally peaks out at 0 db (I often will normalize it to 0 db before compression). Before compression I have ambient room noise of about -39db with an occasional stay artifact during silence of -36 db. (see first screen print - capture1.jpg)
Now, after compressing with the above settings the ambient room noise is a problem, as high as -20db. The spoken parts are compressed to a level that’s generally pleasing enough, but there needs to be a way to keep the ambient room noise down to -38 to -40db, right?
The second screen print, shows the post compression waveform. capture2-.jpg
Any help, most appreciated!