New Moderators and Community Leaders

I’m really excited to introduce new life to the MRC community for 2019 and beyond!

Some of you have been really dedicated to helping others and answering questions. It has been noticed and as a result you will become a stronger part of this community.


These are Music Radio Creative staff members only.

@Dominic will be leading the charge here. Dominic has been with MRC since May 2019 and anyone who has contacted MRC recently will likely have heard back from Dominic :slight_smile:

Say hello and give @Dominic a wave :wave:

@Izabela the awesome Izabela and brains behind MRC. She is here to help you.

@Mike - I’m also going to be looking into the community and helping where I’m able to.


This is a new level for those who have gone out of their way to help others.

Say hello to @Mr-Shortcuts @Joe_Salmi @OleHenrik @DavidHunterScot who have helped as moderators in the past and will continue to have leadership privileges and the power to help moderate the community.

Two new additions to the Leader trust level include:

@Juanmapinker who has been with the MRC community since it was created. Dating all the way back to my daily hour long streams. Juan is constantly in here helping and keeping the community alive and is now a community leader :clap:

@markdenholm is another community member who has gone above and beyond for a consistent amount of time to help others. Mark, your knowledge and willingness to share is very much appreciated. Welcome to the leader level :medal_sports:


How do you cure Mic Rustle?

I was the original Moderator until I got upstaged by a bloody BOT with no sense of humour. !!!

I started at the bottom and worked my way down.
My brother is a Proctologist and started at the bottom too.

Thanks so much for the introduction @Mike :grin:

Hi guys, just reach out if you ever need a hand with anything as I’m sure to be around to help :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you so much @Mike. I really appreciate the honor. Hello to you all guys. Hope to see you more often in here.
Cheers to everyone!


I know I am late to the party but thank you for the introduction and welcome all new members and visitors. I love being a part of this wonderful community but things have changed for me over the last 6 months that hinder me from doing the things I love. It’s okay though, I’m doing well. Nothing to worry about here… Job has changed, roles have changed, time is very slim but it’s everything I wanted and asked for. If anyone needs me you can still ask for me here. I still get the emails and I still see everything Mike does come across my screen either in Youtube, or the community here.

Again, Thank you all so much for everything you do. :smiley:


Hope that everything goes the way you want @Joe_Salmi.

Awesome @Joe_Salmi thanks so much for the update!

It is always good to have you around here in the community. All the best with your new job role too!