I made a tool to export audio within the in/out markers in a multi-track session for AUv3

I know that I’m in the party late for this, but, half of the radio industry in Australia here is still using Audition 3, and so for me, it’s just one of the tools I have.

Anyway, I found a problem that I’d self created, and decided to take it a step further to allow me to export the audio between markers from an Audition 3 session.


Mike, I don’t know if I should or shouldn’t share, but I thought I would. It’s a little bit of a win for me at least. :slight_smile:

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Hi @vr_driver, now I don’t know if this thing was already present in the Audition 3 version (currently I don’t have it on hand). In the Audition CC 2021 version (surely it was already there in the CC version), you can use the menu file / export file / import CUE markers from file or CSV file.
Try taking a look in your version 3.

ah how I wish I could have tried AATranslator !! Too bad they don’t even give a trial version!
I would have liked to understand how to export Locators from Ableton in Marker Audition! But $ 59 is too much to try!

Thanks for sharing @vr_driver and, as you mention, Adobe Audition 3.0 is old skool :sunglasses: but I’m sure many will find this handy :wink: