DIY Microphone Windscreen

What are some unconventional DIY microphone windscreen options that you’ve created?

I’m currently trying to figure out how to make or buy a decent microphone windscreen (aka pop filter or windshield) for Izabela’s shiny new Blue Ember microphone. The diameter is only 31.91mm and most microphone pop shields are designed for bigger mics such as Blue Yeti or large-diaphragm condensers.

I looked up windscreens for shotgun microphones and they are too long and small in diameter. Typing “small microphone windscreen” into Amazon just brings up a ton of results for lapel mic windscreens.

Any advice greatly appreciated! I don’t want to resort to any of the solutions shown below :wink:


The Americans call it a pop shield.

You can always pad out the inside of the capsule if required.

Is it a side-address?
Shields below are 35mm.

Super helpful, thanks @The_Tone_Arranger!

I think we’re going to make a change to the boom arm and head back to the AKG. This time it’s going to go on a RØDE PSA1 boom arm :slight_smile: