Computer Operating Systems

Hello Mike! Big fan. I’m used to using both Windows and Apple systems with Adobe Audition. For my mini home studio, what system do you recommend that I acquire?

That’s such a good question! I personally feel this comes down to preference. I love mac, Mike is a PC user. We work with producers in both systems. What do you work on day to day basis?

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This is certainly a time old and debatable question!

I think the answer is that Audition will run flawlessly on both systems now so go with what you love knowing the pros and cons of both Mac vs PC.

I use both systems but PC for the majority of my work and I just love the DIY, custom build and upgrade possibilities of PC. Mac, however, is easy and I do mobile work on a MacBook Pro because it “just works”.

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Hello! I work more on PC on a daily basis due to work. Thanks for the reply!

Thanks for the input Mike! It comes up to my decision then. Thanks for your awesome audio production content!